Personal Branding

     So you've done many drawings, you have 3-D models that would knock the socks off of any potential client and you have the best portfolio you can thick on. Now jobs should just be lining up for you any minute... Any second now... Why isn't anyone contacting you? Why hasn't anyone noticed your amazing work?

      Simple: Because you haven't put it out for the world to see yet. I'm not talking about social media like facebook, twitter or deviant art. Although these are great sites for sharing with your followers your work, it can be hard to gain new contacts and followers unless you are actively seeking them.

     So what now? Now you really need to hone in on what you are trying to market and sell. Not only are you selling your designs, but you are selling your personality and why you should be hired! One of the easiest ways to begin is by creating your own personal brand. In my opinion this is one of the hardest types of design work you will do. It needs to communicate not only your personality, but what type of work you are looking for, what your strengths are as a designer, and what type of clients you want.

 Here's a quick example using my initials to create a logo.

Its simple, clean, can be black and white, uses negative space, various line weights and is in a loose style. It also is versatile and can be flipped to be a B or a W. It communicates a painterly, flexible style, communicating a more artistic and creative look as oppose to being smooth and sophisticated.
In a business card setting, it can easily be placed and manipulated for marketability.  

So now its your turn! Go out and create something that defines who you are! Show your friends and see what they think of your logo and what it communicates. The responses might shock you.

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